Monday, June 2, 2008

22 weeks

Dave and I saw the doctor today and got an update on Lily. She is doing great! The doctor checked my blood pressure and listened to the baby's heartbeat. It was one of our short, 20 minute appointments. She reassured us that we are doing a great job and that we have and will continue to have a healthy pregnancy. For me, it is nice to hear that from the doctor.

I have gained probably about 12 pounds and that scares me a little. EVERYONE keeps telling me to enjoy it and that it is perfectly normal to be gaining weight. Well, it still scares me because its not like I will have a 30lb baby. Oh well. I am waddling and it is getting harder to tie my shoes too. Dave will have to add that task onto his "things to help Heather with" list.


D said...

No way... you need to get velcro shoes!!!

Anonymous said...

What if the baby is a magic baby?

Dave and Heather said...

A magic baby like in Narnia?? That would be cool! Then she could teach us how to talk to lions :)