Friday, November 13, 2009

Um, hello and the flu shot.

It has been such a long time but time and time again, I realize that I need to share these wonderful feelings and experiences with someone, anyone and hopefully Lily can read about how kick ass she was from the beginning too. I will try to be better about keeping this blog up to date. If not, you'll get a random post every six months or so...

Lily is almost 14 months old. She is walking and has eight teeth - well, almost. Those molars are peeking through but all the way out. Oh, and teething sucks big time. Lily is 95% happy except when she is teething or sick. Luckily, she hasn't been sick many times. I haven't taken Lily to get a flu shot or the H1N1 vaccine and you know what, I am not gonna do it. Let's just be honest here, I am kinda freaked out about all the shots these little people get. We are so fortunate that I get to stay home with Lily most of the time and when she isn't with me, she is with my parents. She isn't around a lot of other kids well, sick kids at least. So, I think I have decided not to go with the flu shot this year. I am not saying that if you got your kid the vaccine that you are a terrible parent, because everyone has their own unique kid and their own life. No judgement here. I am just owning our life, making a decision and moving on. So to Lily's pediatrician - No thanks on the flu shot and no thanks on H1N1.