Saturday, February 6, 2010

1 or 2 naps

Lily is down for a nap right now. She is almost 17 months old and we are at this "transition" time of going from 2 naps to 1. It seems like we are always at a state of "transition" with these little people! They grow and change SO fast! But anyway, I have been kinda stressed lately because Lily's nap schedule is changing and most of the time I don't know what to do. Should I keep her up and enforce a lunchish nap time? Should I play each day by ear and sometimes give her 2 naps? What happens when she wakes up at 5am do I still keep her up for a lunchish nap? Ugh. I ask myself and my husband these questions everyday now. Today, she is prolly going to take 1 nap. And she will most likely be super grumpy by 5pm. I just can't wait until she is on a "regular" nap schedge again. I am sure when that time comes it will be time for the paci to go away and we will be at another "transition" moment. Fun times.

On another note: LILY IS AWESOME.