Saturday, December 19, 2009

As the Toddler Emerges

Lily is now 15 months old! She is growing so fast and changing everyday. It is really amazing how quickly she learns new things. Her resume now includes:
  • ability to shake her bootie like a salsa dancer
  • identify and vocalize several animal noises including horse, cow, dog, sheep, pig, monkey and elephant
  • basic silverware dexterity
  • excellent palate especially for snickerdoodle cookies
  • awareness of personal hygiene needs (can tell us when she is poopie)
  • proficient with a sippy
  • blossoming organizational skills (we hope...she puts her toys away)
And we keep adding to the list! OK, I am starting to brag :) so onto the "opportunities"...
Lily can throw tantrums. As she matures and comes to understand the world around her, she is also learning to communicate her likes and dislikes. For example, Lily likes cookies. Lily dislikes when she cannot have cookies first thing in the morning. Lily likes exploring and running around. Lily dislikes being strapped down to a stroller or shopping cart for longer than 10 minutes. Lily likes the outdoors. Lily dislikes it when mommy doesn't let her eat dirt. So as the toddler emerges, Dave and I are faced with new challenges. But we are truly cherishing every experience. Lily is growing and are we.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Um, hello and the flu shot.

It has been such a long time but time and time again, I realize that I need to share these wonderful feelings and experiences with someone, anyone and hopefully Lily can read about how kick ass she was from the beginning too. I will try to be better about keeping this blog up to date. If not, you'll get a random post every six months or so...

Lily is almost 14 months old. She is walking and has eight teeth - well, almost. Those molars are peeking through but all the way out. Oh, and teething sucks big time. Lily is 95% happy except when she is teething or sick. Luckily, she hasn't been sick many times. I haven't taken Lily to get a flu shot or the H1N1 vaccine and you know what, I am not gonna do it. Let's just be honest here, I am kinda freaked out about all the shots these little people get. We are so fortunate that I get to stay home with Lily most of the time and when she isn't with me, she is with my parents. She isn't around a lot of other kids well, sick kids at least. So, I think I have decided not to go with the flu shot this year. I am not saying that if you got your kid the vaccine that you are a terrible parent, because everyone has their own unique kid and their own life. No judgement here. I am just owning our life, making a decision and moving on. So to Lily's pediatrician - No thanks on the flu shot and no thanks on H1N1.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

She's already 4 months old!!

Our beautiful daughter, Lily Cynara, was born on September 18, 2008. She is now 16 weeks old :) Lily amazes us everyday. She has grown so much already and I am a little sad I didn't keep this blog up through her first few weeks with us. Lily smiles, laughs and is talking more each day. She is a pro at holding her head up and she likes to stand like a big girl (with support of course). She is a "better" sleeper now too - a straight 5-7 hours for her first round of sleep at night. Lily is also an expert drooler and has been very interested in her hands - she cannot keep them out of her mouth! Maybe those teeth will start popping out real soon...

As for being a first time mom, I am doing my best. I have a heightened level of anxiety when I take Lily places and I had A LOT of it when it came to nursing. I know that most of the time it is silly for me to be stressed, but I can't help it. I am trying though - to relax and enjoy every moment. The nursing thing has improved tremendously. I am so thankful for all my experiences so far because I am now a more patient and giving person. I cannot explain how much I love this little person.