Thursday, June 19, 2008

We're coming home!

YES, in about 10 days Dave, Bo, Holly and I will all be moved back to Southern California! We are packing all of our things and making the final preparations. I am so glad we decided to do this before I am in my third trimester because I am already starting to experience the uncomfortable third trimester symptoms. I feel stretched to the maximum already! Oh, and forget about being able to sleep comfortably. My feet and legs have also started to swell a little. And I know it will only get worse as October approaches. Good times.

Gosh, I feel bad now because this is all for Lily AND we chose to make a baby so sorry if this comes off like complaining. I would go through anything for this little girl.

Anyhoo, we can't wait to be closer to our family and long time friends! It is so wonderful thinking we will be able to raise our kid around all of you. Unfortunately, we will have to leave some awesome people up here. You select few want to move to Cali? Come on! I promise to stay in touch. We will never forget you guys and you all are welcome in our new home. You know who you are.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Dave and I decided to get away for a babymoon - a little quality time just the parents-to-be. We headed out to Mt. Rainier Park and stayed at our first bed & breakfast. It was a perfect mini vacation! Admiring mother nature and soaking in the peace and quiet was just the answer for some needed down time. At Mt. Rainier park we tried to go up to a lodge called Paradise where we could view a glacier and walk around some beautiful trails, BUT it was snowing and conditions forced park rangers to close down the road. So typical of the Seattle area. It's JUNE, what the heck!! Anyway, we got to walk around some other nice trails further down the mountain.

The bed & breakfast we stayed at was different, yet thoroughly pleasant. It was a cozy home built around 1910 surrounded by 12 acres of green paradise. B&B's aren't for couples who want complete privacy (you eat breakfast with the rest of the guests and you basically are staying at some stranger's house). We did have to mix in a little small talk at breakfast, but it still was a very relaxing place. Harry and Michelle, the owners, had many interesting stories to share and we found them to be quirky, smart and caring folks.

Also, Dave felt Lily move for the very first time! He was reading her a book that he borrowed from the B&B's library called, "How Raven Freed the Moon". It will be a memory that will not be forgotten.

Monday, June 2, 2008

22 weeks

Dave and I saw the doctor today and got an update on Lily. She is doing great! The doctor checked my blood pressure and listened to the baby's heartbeat. It was one of our short, 20 minute appointments. She reassured us that we are doing a great job and that we have and will continue to have a healthy pregnancy. For me, it is nice to hear that from the doctor.

I have gained probably about 12 pounds and that scares me a little. EVERYONE keeps telling me to enjoy it and that it is perfectly normal to be gaining weight. Well, it still scares me because its not like I will have a 30lb baby. Oh well. I am waddling and it is getting harder to tie my shoes too. Dave will have to add that task onto his "things to help Heather with" list.